February Progress Report


Overall I’m happy with the way February turned out. While I would have liked to have done more exercise and ate more vegetables, I knew that it was going to be one of those months that not everything would fall in to place. We had family visit from Poland for three weeks which meant sightseeing, food, sightseeing, food, and more sightseeing, food, etc.


* Eat 3-5 servings of fruit & vegetables every day
This one could be better. My fruit intake is definitely up. Vegetables, not so. 

* Practice yoga every day for 90 days straight
Not yet. But working on doing yoga at least once per week.

* Run 1000km, Cycle 3000km, Swim 150km, Weight train 52 hours, Yoga 156 hours. Walk 200km. Burn 200,000 calories.
The walking is great, it’s my primary form of training. Hurt my calve muscle last week, scared of going for a run in case it flares up. 

* Have a stronger and leaner body post baby than I did pre baby
Fingers crossed I can do this.

* Try a new recipe every month
Yes. I made a nutty choc brownie the other day. It actually tasted pretty darn good.

* Compete in 6 races
None as yet, these will happen after June depending on whether baby comes on time, early or late. If it’s early than I might be able to do my first fun run after baby in mid June and if not then early July. Fingers crossed I’ll still want to run.


* Finish writing the novel, have it edited, and self publish
Still editing, rewriting scenes, trying to make sense of where I want the novel to go.

* Write, sell and have 12 articles published in print or online magazines/blogs
I sent off three queries in January. None in February. It was a busy and short month. 

*  Attend 12 ToastMasters sessions in my local area
Not yet. 

* Write and take a photo every single day from 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014
I’ve been writing every day just not in the journal that was intended for the exercise.

* Be an attentive mum but not overly protective or overbearing and find balance
Three months to go. I think I’m getting a little bit scared and anxious and excited all rolled into one. 

* Start a part time business
Working on it. Need start treating it like a business rather than a hobby.

* Read 52 books
February was a bit slow on the reading front. I read bits and pieces of books and only really finished two…..

* Return to learning a third language
Nothing in this department.

* Get our finances in order and invest for the future
Expenses. Gotta love them. Working on this one. But we had to outlay some cash for a new mattress and bed frame so our savings slowed. 

* * * Focus on one main task each month to achieve all my goals
Yes. January was about editing the novel. February was for free writing and yes I free wrote in my writing journal every day. It was awesome. Now it’s time for March – query writing month. Fingers crossed I can do this, it’s an important one to me. 


How was your February? Are you still on track with your goals for 2014?