Is Sugar to Blame?

IMG_0205I woke up this morning and decided on pancakes with home made plum jam for breakfast. The norm is 2 scrambled eggs on toast with some tomato, avocado and feta. But given that it is Sunday and my dad made some awesome home made plum jam which he kindly gave us a 1.6kg jar of, I couldn’t resist. 

Ten minutes later my eyes were drooping, my brain felt muggy, and I was ready to go back to bed. Yuck.

A coffee helped. So did an hour walk at the beach.

After a BBQ lunch at home of mince cutlets and salad, I felt great. Then an hour or so later I had an ice cream. A little yummy Splice on a stick.

Ten minutes later I’m falling asleep again, my eyes are droopy, my brain feels muggy and I’m ready to go to bed.

The only culprit I can think of is sugar. My body is not tolerating it at all. I’m wondering whether the pregnancy has anything to do with it.

The past week I hadn’t slept well. I’ve felt like a cold or flu was coming on. I even took two days off work as spending all day in an air-conditioned office and commuting with coughing and sneezing passengers is not the best when you feel like crap. I haven’t exercised other than walking either.

It seems that my body is not wanting to tolerate sugar. By sugar I mean the stuff found in processed food, sweets, juices, ice creams, etc. Fruit not included.

So I’ve decided to do 7 Days of No Sugar. It’s going to be a challenge especially with hot cross buns being available at Coles but it needs to be done. I’m sick of feeling so groggy and tired and I don’t want my baby feeling it either. After all everything I eat goes straight to him.

The rules are:

1 – Two pieces of fruit per day are fine
2 – No sweets in the form of biscuits, chocolate, cakes (my family is coming over next week from Poland and they are bringing lots of sweets so a week without sugar will be good)
3 – Consume a serving of vegetables with breakfast, lunch and dinner
4 – Drink 1.5L of water every day
5 – One cup of coffee and black tea daily only
6 – Eat every 3 hours
7 – Snack on carrot sticks, hummus, nuts
8 – Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper
9 – Exercise every day – either walk, run, yoga or weight training, but regardless aim to walk most days
10 – Enjoy

What are your thoughts on going sugar free for a week?