It’s a confidence thing

Confidence hasn’t always been a strong point. More like the weakest one. I’ve always admired (and secretly hated) the confident souls that entered my life. Wondering how they did it? Where did that belief in themselves come from? With age the answers began to unfold.

Confidence comes from living our life according to the way we want it. That means doing the things that bring happiness and joy into our lives. For some people it’s starting a family, for others it’s traveling the world, for someone else still it might be building a career, writing a book or running a marathon. It might even be all of the above.

So what has running and confidence have to do with one another? A lot actually. Runners are equal on the track. It doesn’t matter what you do, where you come from, what pant size you wear or where you’ve been. Running is the only thing that counts. You’re a runner that’s all that matters.

Running gives you a sense of achievement. Not everyone can run 5km let alone 42.195km. That’s a huge achievement in itself and regardless of whether you finish in the first one hundred runners or the last, you’re still a winner because you’ve managed to do something most people won’t ever bother trying in fear of failure.

A recent study in Clinical Sports Medicine found that women who are runners are generally healthier and have much higher self-esteem compared to women who don’t do any physical activity. Body issues? As a runner you’ve got nothing to worry about. Individuals who spend their free time in an active way tend to be more body confident than those who lead sedentary lives. So if you want to feel good about yourself get off the couch and hit the pavement for a run.

In what ways does running make you feel confident?