XXIII Bieg Konstytucji (Constitution Day Run)

Taking cover from the rain

All ready to race
Another 5km run behind us. The weather didn’t look inviting this morning, grey skies, rain padded down the window pane and the puddles on the streets just kept expanding with the incoming rain. We ran anyway. Thankfully our friends had picked up our race packs the day before so we had no excuse not to run but believe me the majority of me was saying ‘Stay home, don’t run today.’

We ran anyway. 

It was hard. I won’t lie. It was a tough run today. Only 5km but it hurt. Each kilometre hurt. My lungs felt as if they were on fire. My legs heavier than usual. Ok, so it didn’t help that I hadn’t run for two weeks, since the Orlen 10km run two Sundays ago. I did do a couple local aerobics classes but unfortunately didn’t make up for not running. 

The good news, I feel I’m getting my motivation back. I want to start running regularly. I want to race regularly. I want to get back to the gym and lift heavy. I want to try new activities. Get back to swimming. Give crossfit a go. Start spinning classes again and do some yoga. I want to do it all and start feeling good again.
I love the medals they give out in Poland!
Time: 26:30
Bizarrely an Aussie travelling to Warsaw for a couple of days
stopped to offer to take this picture, they were from
the same town as us too! It really is a small world
Even the Premier of Poland, Donald Tusk ran today
a good way to set an example