7 Reasons to Run

My grandmother never fails to tell me she doesn’t understand why I would want to run around the block, sweat like a pig and tire myself out for no reason at all. The answer is simple, our preferred leisure activities are different – she likes to garden, go for a bike ride or walk while I like to pound the pavement.

Though the question why I run has entered my mind on a few occasions too. The answer that seems to stick is – how could I not run?

Today is the fifth day that I haven’t run due to illness. I feel it. My body isn’t the same as it was a week ago. I feel stiff, tired and not myself – that’s not a feeling I enjoy. When I run everything in my mind is clear and my body thanks me by performing at its best when I need to move around the city all day, clean house, or go dancing at the weekend. Without running many of the every day physical and mental activities would be difficult.

The people who read this blog or any other running blog are mostly runners. However, if you’re not a runner but are thinking about starting a running program, here are some reasons what makes running such a fantastic leisure and fitness activity.

1 – The obvious reason is that it burns a large amount of calories which means it’s a great way to lose weight and get into shape. A half hour jog at about 10km/hr can burn 300 calories, increase your pace and you can burn even more. Running makes fat loss a lot easier for people who are struggling with their weight.

2 – Running is a workout for the heart. People’s lifestyles are far too sedentary, they spend their day in front of the computer at work, relax in front of the television and instead of playing with the kids they hire someone else to do it for them. For more informaiton check out http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4563

3 – When you’re stressed, a forty minute run will clear your mind and help you relax. Going for a run gives you time to think things through and come up with useful and effective solutions to any problems that may arise.

4 – Running allows you to meet lots of fun, interesting and friendly people. Runners are social folks who like to have a good time, smile and most are approachable and eager to talk to others about running, food or anything else.

5 – Endorphin production in the brain increases when you run. Endorphins are those hormones responsible for your happiness level. Running will increase your happiness level and you’ll spend more time smiling and laughing instead of frowning. Read more at http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080303101110.htm

6 – You can enjoy food without constantly worrying about the calorie and fat content in what you consume. While running is not a passport to eat everything you want, it does allow you to have a bit of anything you like. You should still practice portion control but it won’t hurt if from time to time you enjoy half a tub of cookies and cream ice cream or follow dinner with dessert.

7 – Improve your sex life. Studies show that runners have healthier sex lives. If you’re not in the mood, a 3-day per week running program will make you feel sexier, full of energy and more interested in your partner. An interesting article about sex and running can be found here http://www.dudleyladies.co.uk/sex_and_running.htm