Battle Wounds

Most sports leave a trace of battle on the body. Football may come to mind when boys tackle each other (though I sometimes wonder if they just want an innocent hug), or there’s chess – a two person game that appears harmless and injury free until you get a pawn thrown in your face.

When it comes to running or triathlon, chafing is one of those abrasions most of us suffer from time to time; it’s something I’ve been bothered with this week. Only it’s not under my arms or on my thighs; the chafing has appeared on the side of my neck. A hickey or vampire bite comes to mind when I take a look at it so I’ve been wearing my hair to the side so to avoid those strange stares from strangers on the street. It’s innocent, honest and all thanks to my swimsuit top.
The past few weeks I’ve been getting in the swim sessions. They aren’t getting easier but I sure feel great at the end of them. One hour in the pool that amounts to a 2.5km swim. I’ve been using the training program from the ‘Be Iron Fit’ book and it’s definitely getting my heart rate up, improving my fitness and hopefully making me a better athlete – with chafing on my neck.

Have you had any unusual wounds from sport?