
In the ‘Barefoot Runner: the life of a marathon champion Abebe Bikila’ by Paul Rambali, I read something that resonated in me, it was along the lines of us humans being constrained by our own doubts. If we believe that something is impossible then we resist seeing how we can make it happen. That is why most people do not achieve the ultimate success – their dreams whatever they may be. Believing in the impossible is the key to setting new barriers whether it be in sport, within your business or your personal life. Thinking ‘I can’t’ or ‘no one else has ever been able to do it so I won’t be able to’ is only creating a larger obstacle in your own path to achieving your wildest dreams. You wouldn’t tell your best friend they can’t achieve something, so why do we keep doing it to yourself?

Our own self doubt is the only obstacle standing in the way. There are always going to by naysayers in whatever you do. Criticisms will be thrown around and you will have ultimate lows where the only solution is to give up. It’s not. Inevitably it’s your choice to shut the negativity out, push past the setbacks and reach the inevitable – success. Who says you can’t run a marathon or lose half your weight? Who makes the rule that you can’t find the perfect balance for you between work and  family? Who’s to say that quitting work and traveling the world is not a realistic objective? Who decides? In the end, it’s all about you. 

Saying that if you’ve got two left feet and you’re not a celebrity you might have a difficult time trying to get on to ‘Dancing with the Stars’. If you’re aiming for an Ironman but not doing the training required don’t be disappointed when you don’t make the cut off times. If you’re aim is to write a novel but you can’t remember the last time you actually wrote a sentence stop kidding yourself. Dreams do come true, but they require effort on your part, they also have to be realistic to your environment and abilities. Persevere for long enough and that pinch of luck might be just around the corner.

Olympic records weren’t set with self doubt. Multimillionaires weren’t created through hesitation. Achievers did not waver in their conviction to succeed. Everyday people succeed in their chosen paths. Instead of being deterred by restrictions and negativity, they persevere tirelessly. We all have something to believe in. The question is do you believe in yourself.