Benefits of circuit training

When I don’t have time or motivation to workout I sometimes turn to the circuit for inspiration. Circuit training is a fantastic way to stay fit and improve muscle mass while having fun at the same time. It eliminates boredom as you are continuously doing some sort of activity and only rest after completing a full circuit.

So what are the benefits of circuit training?

1 – Works your entire body in one quick workout

2 – Gives you weight training and cardio when you’re short on time

3 – Eliminates boredom because you’re constantly doing something different

4 – Increase the amount of calories you burn per workout

5 – Can be done anywhere and at any time

6 – Uses little equipment. If you don’t have dumbbells you can use your own body weight or 2kg packets of rice to add resistance

7 – Gets your heart rate up

8 – It’s fun

9 – A new challenge for the body

10 – Adds variety to your fitness regime

So what did I do for my workout today? Circuit training of course. I was short on time and it was too foggy to go for a run outdoors. There were push ups, lunges, skipping, shadow boxing and much more. Tomorrow I’ll post an example of circuit workout that I like doing.