Change: It’s Up to You

A wise man (or woman) said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. I couldn’t agree more. And yet, here I am doing just that. 
I’ve noticed a pattern developing over the past five or so years. 2008, 2010, and 2012 were productive years when it came to writing, running and achieving stuff I wanted to achieve. The years in between not so. A slump developed. 
I stopped believing in myself. I stop believing I could do it. Whatever it was at the time. 
Now we’re three months into 2013 and it’s been the least productive three months that I can remember. I’m not doing what I want to be doing. I could go on blaming my long commute to work, having a full time job, not enough hours in the day, the odd mishaps that have occurred. I could.
But that would be lying to myself. 
Excuses don’t make a woman (or man). Actions do. Unfortunately, my actions of late have been less than to be desired. I’ve been tired, moody, and feeling like a sloth. That’s not me. It’s definitely not who I want to be. 
I’ve ran nine times this year. Shocking. I’ve barely read four books. Double shocker. For the past two weeks I’ve had maybe five serves of vegetables (I should be eating that many serves a day). I haven’t been writing either. 
I don’t want to be this person anymore. I want change for the better. I want to say ‘Yes’ more than I say ‘No’. I want to go back to working towards my big goals (running a sub 4 hour marathon, finishing another half Ironman, writing a novel, earning a full time income from writing, investing in property and shares, volunteering my time for charity, being there more for the people in my life). I want to be the person I know I can be. 
Change is good. It’s healthy. If we want to grow we need to embrace change, avoid blaming others for our mishaps and be the best person we can be. If we strive to improve who we are, one day, one step, one runner at a time, we can create a life (and world) we’re all proud of.
It’s time to make a change.