Five for Friday

just a few smoothie ingredients

1 – Today was supposed to be an exciting morning. A charity relay in the pool. 5 swimmers 50 metres each. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be. I’ve been sick in bed since Monday, the doctor told me to stay in bed for another couple of days and under no circumstance to get in the pool unless of course I wanted to get pneumonia and end up in hospital. Well, thanks but no thanks, I’ve a marathon in two weeks and I want to be running it and finishing it in good form. Nevertheless it would have been an incredible opportunity as some of the Aussie Olympians were going to be taking part also. Looks like I’ll be cheering for the company I work for in front of the television as they broadcast it on the Sunrise news. 
2 – Four days in bed, under the duvet, sweating, shivering and wanting to go for a run, do some stretching, lift a kettlebell. Nada, zilch, I’m not allowed and I’m hating it. I’m just waiting for the bed sore to appear. This is no laughing matter. I don’t understand how some people do this by choice spending their days lying in bed or on the couch watching countless hours of television shows and movies but not really getting anything accomplished. I’m really really looking forward to my next run whenever that will be.
very green and very yummy
3 – Smoothies. Yum, yum, super yum. I never thought about putting vegetables into smoothies, but after reading about them on Run to the Finish & The Wellness Warrior recently, I thought I’d give it a try. And oh boy, I love the combination. Bok choy, cucumber, kiwi, banana, they all go so well together, add some strawberries, chia seeds, almonds, spirulina, and a teaspoon of honey and you’ve a delicious and nutritious breakfast or snack. Hopefully, they are going to fill my body with antioxidants and I’ll feel better in no time at all.

4 – I’ve caught up on all my silly favourite tv shows, Vampire Diaries season (I cannot wait to see Elena as a vamp!), True Blood season 5 (very frustrated not seeing Sookie & Bill together), Revenge (I saw want to know what they come up with next season). These shows are so out there and that’s why I enjoy them. Escape from reality if you will. I like the premise of Revenge, and even as I watch I cannot fathom how some people can be so ruthless, selfish and believe that they are the law using the people around them like puppets, and yet it happens in real life too. I know shocking but this is one of my guilty pleasures that I indulge in from time to time.
5 – June is the month where I’m trying to post something here every day. It’s more of a personal challenge to see whether I can do it and not something that I’m likely to keep up with for the long term. I got to say it’s exhausting but good practice in dealing with deadlines and actually sticking to something. In the process I’ve managed a few regular posts – Mondays are Cooking 101 and these aren’t to teach anyone (although if you pick up something new than that’s great), they are to get me to experiment more in the kitchen. Wednesdays are wordless, and I’m hoping to put up some of my own photos each week and not all related to running or triathlon or sport. I love taking photos so it’ll be nice to put some up for others to see, some will be ordinary, one here and there might even stand out. Sundays are for Training in Review to go over what I’ve done the previous week and it keeps me more accountable.
What are you up to this week?