Get Cross With Your Training


Regardless of whether you run marathons, trail races or never more than 10km at a time, cross training can benefit your running form, speed and endurance. It can make you a better runner and more important an injury-free runner. If you’re more prone to running injuries than most then giving cross training a go might be the thing you need. While injuries do happen prevention is better than cure so if you can reduce the risk of an injury than it’s worth your while. 
Cross training comes in many forms. In layman’s terms it’s doing a physical activity that differs somewhat to the one that your body and mind are accustomed to. So for runners, cross training could include Yoga, Pilates, boxing, swimming, cycling or weight training. There’s a lot to choose from and easy to find something that you will enjoy doing. 

Triathletes are great examples of cross trainers – they are constantly training in three disciplines which provides variety, reduces monotony and works all the muscles in the body through the three sports. Running might only make up 30% of the training workload meaning less impact on the joints which means injury prevention without sacrificing endurance or speed.
The benefits of cross training are many, here are just a few to get you started;
  • lowers your risk of overstrain injury in your knees, ITB, hips, and shins
  • reduces boredom and monotony in your workouts
  • makes you a stronger runner due to the development and training of other muscles in your body, particular core and lower back muscles which can suffer without weight training or Yoga and Pilates
  • opportunity to learn a new sport and discover hidden talents
  • have fun and broaden your horizons
If you really want to spend all your time running and don’t feel like you can find a few slots in your schedule to fit in some cross training, try to find at least one. Swap just one running session with a cross training session. Head to the pool for an hour swim, get on the bike and discover your home town, or lift some weights in the gym. Don’t have an hour, try for twenty minutes. You’ll soon reap the benefits and see them in your running. Bring on the PBs.
Here are just a few more ways that you can get cross with your training, learn a new skill and have some fun at the same time;

* learn to surf (too cold now but I’m hoping to try during summer)
* go rock climbing (works wonders on the upper body)
* try ice skating (long limb legs, just remember to dress warm and   get some mitts to keep your hands warm)
* sign up for a kickboxing or krav maga class (all over body workout plus a bit of self defense) 
* give Bikram yoga a go (hot, hot, hot)
* join a touch footy team (all over body cardio workout plus an opportunity to make new friends)