Getting violent

QLD did not win the game last night. But that’s ok. It’s a best out of three. The next one is on home turf in three weeks. There’s still hope. At least game two will be more interesting. And hopefully less violent.

There’s been a fair bit of violence in the community lately. Too much for my liking. I don’t see the point of knocking anyone out for any reason. We’re not barbarians. We don’t live in the time of Gladiators. And yet, big buff boys, small ones too, can’t help but throw the first punch just for the fun of it. Unfortunately, girls aren’t any better.

If you want to fight. Become a boxer or sign up for karate lessons. Don’t do it on the playground or on the footy field where there are kids or easily influence adults watching. Athletes set an example. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a runner, football player, triathlete or golfer. It doesn’t matter if you get tripped over, tackled harder than normal, or have a bat land near your head. You have no right to hit anyone for any reason.

Throwing punches to hurt others only makes you weak and pathetic.

It’s even worse when you see it on television. In last night’s game a player punched another player on the opposite team. To me this is a no-brainer. He should have been disqualified from the game immediately. Worse still, he is the captain of the team and should be setting an example not only for his players but the fans too. 

If players on the footy field get away with barbaric violence it’s going to flow over to the streets and more people are going to get away with violence. The streets are going to become more dangerous.

I don’t know about you, but for me being a runner, I enjoy running outside in the streets. Sometimes I run during the day but mostly in the evenings. It’s dark. Some areas aren’t well lit where I live. I’m unlikely to run on my own during the day let alone at night. There’s always the tingling of fear in the back of my mind of someone coming out of the shadows.

So there’s a little paranoia there, I know. But I’d rather be a little paranoid than get caught by surprise. I’d like to think that people are generally kind and gentle beings without a need for violence, but unfortunately lately in the media I’ve been seeing the complete opposite. So, since the days are shorter, the nights are longer, I’m going to stick to running on the treadmill during the week for most of winter and maybe head to the beach for a long slow one during sunny weekends.