It’s Tri Time

Firstly, today was the day of the official announcement as to which city was going to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games. The Gold Coast was an excellent candidate but with some competition – no one was sure which way the votes would sway. But I’m happy to say that we won the bid and my home town, the Gold Coast, will be hosting the 2018 Commonwealth Games! It’s going to be a very exciting time for the city and every involved both directly and indirectly.


The time has come for me to race another triathlon. I’d like to say I’m confident, heck I’d like to say that I am completely ready, but that would be an outright lie. I’m concerned about the swim tomorrow, not the distance, with only 400m it won’t be a problem –  no, what concerns me is the start – the splashing, kicking and hitting that will occur and I have little control over, and the fact that the water will no doubt be cold which will hinder my technique and could result in panic mode. I’ll get over it once the gun goes off – I hope anyway.

I went to check in today thinking that we also had to rack the bikes like we did for the GC Tri back in May. Not so, I probably should have read the info sheet with a bit more attention. I did pick up my race pack though so I’m ready for tomorrow. I have to be in there with my bike racked by 6:15am, however, my age group isn’t starting till around 8:30am – it’s a while to be waiting and letting the nerves get the better of me. I wonder if I were to do more triathlons throughout a season, would the nerves disappear? Do you find you get more confident with the more races you do?

Today’s workout was easy and simple. I walked. In the morning and evening we took Kola (or maybe she took us) for a walk. In the afternoon, before the sun started setting Jarek and I drove to the beach and did a 3km walk at an easy pace. Nothing strenuous but certainly relaxing.

I’m packed for tomorrow, race kit is ready, all I have to do is pump my tyres, and get a good night’s sleep. The alarm is going off at 4:45 tomorrow morning. Even with the nerves, I can’t wait.