Love & Hate

I have a love and hate thing for gyms. On the one side I love the fact that there’s endless amounts of equipment, from free weights to machines, cardio equipment and free space to work your abs or stretch out. Then there’s the hate thing, sweaty seats, crowds, bitchiness, rudeness and a plain lack of common courtesy and etiquette. 

Not sure if it’s just me or is society becoming selfish and unpleasant. Do parents still teach their children to be kind and only speak when they have something nice to say? What has happened to all the good natured souls out there? 

An hour at the gym and I’ve noticed;
  1. dirty looks and glares from other gym patrons
  2. gym goers failing to wipe down the equipment after use
  3. leaving weights, mats and kettlebells lying around
  4. used tissues on benches instead of in the bin
  5. a girl walking across the gym floor blabbing into her mobile phone
  6. super loud conversations that can be heard from the opposite side of the room
  7. personal trainers not paying attention to their clients 
  8. gym staff walking around scowling – seriously it costs nothing to smile

The gym is a communal place. Hundreds of people want to go in, get a good workout, and get out without being subjected to the above and much more. 

It’s important to remember to behave the way you’d like to see others behave. 

To clean up after yourself if that’s what you expect others to do. 

To put things back in their place once you’ve finished using them. 

Use a towel for crying out loud.

Don’t leave equipment lying in the middle of the floor where someone can trip over it.
Smile, it ain’t going to kill you. 

A bit of gym etiquette can go a long way. Heck a bit of etiquette everywhere could go a long way. 

Do you have anything that irks you at the gym?