Seeking a challenge

For those who know me well, I get bored quickly and easily. While I am a creature of habit I love change, exploration and seeking new experiences. 
I’ve run. I’ve done triathlons. I like to pump iron too. In fact, a good seven or so years ago my primary physical activity was weights at the gym. 
So for the next eight weeks I want to see how much I can change my shape through weight lifting and clean eating, along with a bit of high intensity cardio. The aim is to get some definition in my midsection, strengthen my back, feel tighter all round and have more energy. When it comes to weights I can fit in a quick 25 minute workout on my lunch break which is perfect for me if I break the training down into upper and lower body workouts.
The plan:
Mondays & Wednesdays – upper body + abs
Tuesdays & Thursdays – lower body
Saturday – full body
Plus, 3-4 times per week of running including intervals, hills, and long slow distance as well as once or twice getting down on the mat for some yoga or Pilates.
The diet:
Six meals per day, limiting sugar and aiming for veggies, lean protein, low GI carbohydrates, and small portions. Today for example I had 1/2 avocado on toast for breakfast, broccoli with tuna as a snack, broccoli + watercress & pear salad with tinned salmon for lunch, protein shake as a snack, soup and a crepe for dinner. I’m tracking my food intake on My Fitness Pal. 
The objective:
Reduce all round body fat but particularly around the stubborn midsection.
Strengthen lower back muscles and my abdominals. 
Build a stronger body for future running and triathlons.
Challenge my body and mind.
Get bikini ready for summer.
There is another purpose for this but I want to keep it a secret for now.