
As mentioned before Christmas in my household revolves around lots of eating. Christmas Eve (Wigilia), Christmas Day (Pierwszy Dzien Swiat), and Boxing Day (Drugi Dzien Swiat). Since we have to spend Christmas with my family and my partners family we usually end up overeating – and that’s fine. Long ago, I would have scrutinized everything I put in my mouth and worried about the excess calories I’d consume over the jolly season. This year I focused on eating the dishes I really love – borsch with ravioli, salmon, dumplings, and a whole range of salads. I also managed to guzzle down almost two bottles of red wine and ate lots of chocolate.

So while Christmas ended up being a time of indulgences, now that it’s the 27th, it’s time to get back into eating healthy and working out regularly.

Now is also the time to think about what I want to achieve with my running in 2011. I’ve been thinking about it a lot and there are many things I would like to achieve but that’s for another post.

How was your Christmas?

How much did you eat?

Do you keep to your normal eating plan?