The Big 3-0

Wow. I made it. 


Honestly, I had my doubts. I remember a good fifteen years ago that my 30s were so far away. But they crept up quicker than I could have imagined. I recall my high school graduation like it was yesterday, going to uni lectures, dropping out, working places, travelling, falling in and out of love and in love again, and then boom, I’m 30. 

I had big dreams in my twenties. I was a little ignorant and naive to the facts of life. I made mistakes. But that’s all a part of growing up. 

The 20s rounded me into the person I am today. There were good times – buying and selling my unit near the beach, Europe, living in Poland, teaching English in Warsaw, drinking too much, meeting Jarek, finish a bachelors and masters degree, making new friends, doing a 70.3 Ironman, re-igniting my passion for running, being introduced to triathlon, realising what is important in my life and so much more. 

There were not so good times too but no point in dwelling on the negative. That’s just life, without the good and bad we’d be a bit two dimensional.

Thanks for a great decade of learning and growing. Thank you to all the wonderful people in my life, my family and friends, my darling dog Kola. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you in my life.

Bring on the dirty 30s, to the new experiences, more running and tri-ing, more quality time with Jarek, a growing family, spending more time with family and friends, good health, prosperity, travel and great times. 

Cheers *clink*