The scales don’t lie

I jumped on the scales today. It’s been a while. I thought I had nothing to worry about. Well, not so. I’ve continued to believe that I way around the 59kg mark give or take a few grams. Not anymore. I was shocked when the number reached 61.3kg. Sure, it was Easter and I could blame the food during this long weekend for the extra couple of kilograms but that’s not it. I haven’t eaten all that much. What’s a few extra eggs and pierogi? It’s definitely not two extra kilos especially since I have also been training and walking a lot. So it’s got to be my recent chocolate habit (confession: I’ve been eating a chocolate bar pretty much every day for the past month or so), racing through meals, excessive portions, limited amounts of protein, and not enough weight training.
My dream weight is 55kg. I’m not sure whether that’s realistic for me or not but it’s definitely one of those numbers that I wish I could hit on the scale and stay there. Maybe I could. I think the last time I weighed around that I was twenty-one. I like food, I enjoy going out for dinner, overindulging in chocolate or Thai takeout. I also love fruit, vegetables, beans, grains and lean fish. I don’t need to eat chocolate every day, nor do I have to eat until I feel that I can no longer zip up my pants because my gut feels like it’s about to explode.

I still fit into my clothes, although I have to admit some items have been getting a little tighter around the belly. The 61.3kg explains it. Yes, it’s just a number and for a while now I haven’t given weight much thought. Well, it’s back on my mind and it’s going to stay there until I reach 57kg. That’s only four kilograms. Ok, so the last four are the hardest to drop. But I have the tools on hand. It shouldn’t be that hard. 8 weeks 4 kilograms, easy. The guys and gals on The Biggest Loser manage that in two weeks so I should be able to do it in eight, right? 
Eight Week Action Plan
* Swap the afternoon chocolate snack for a piece of fruit or chopped veggies and a cup of green tea. 
* Write down everything I eat and drink for the next eight weeks – that means keeping a small notebook with me all day everyday – pedantic but necessary
* Weight training three times a week focusing on compound exercises – specifically pull ups, push ups, lunges and kettlebells 
* Continue with training for the Gold Coast Marathon in July – increase running mileage to 40-50km per week
* Include at least 1 swim session and 1-2 cycle sessions each week to maintain base for triathlon training which will resume after July
* Remember to rest and stretch and do some yoga/Pilates which are all necessary for recovery, injury prevention and retaining one’s sanity.