Three for Thursday

1. This week has been a shocker. I’m not exaggerating. I feel like I haven’t been able to get enough sleep since Sunday night and partially that’s my fault. I tell myself that I don’t need more than six or so hours of sleep per night but that’s a load of crap. If I’m to be training, working full time, commuting each day, and trying to fit in everything else around me I need to sleep. The problem is that I can’t find the time to get my eight hours. If I did I’d have to be in bed 9:30pm each evening to get up at 5:30am. That’s hard to do when I don’t get home till before 6:30pm and want to still fit in some training, relaxation and time with Jarek. I need to fix this because this week I’m feeling like a truck has hit me and it’s not getting any better. I’m so glad it’s Friday tomorrow.

2. My knee hurts. My heel hurts. My shin hurts. I’m not sure whether it gets better or worse, it’s all in my left leg and I can feel the pain radiating to my hip. This is extremely frustrating as I’ve been careful about not over training and I’ve been doing a combination of cycling, running, swimming, weights and yoga. I don’t know what to do. I’ve taken two days off exercise. On Sunday, I’m signed up for a 15km race, I really really want to do it but if this pain persists it’s not going to be a smart move. I’ll have to reassess on Sunday morning.

3. I’ve been searching for a pair of running shoes and I haven’t had much luck in finding a pair. In recent weeks I’ve tried on dozens. Some have been too narrow, others too wide, most are a supportive shoe. I can’t run in a supportive shoe, I need a neutral one. So far, I haven’t been able to find a pair that suits my foot. The last shoe I purchased was a cheap New Balance pair that I’ve been running in for almost six months, they’re not perfect but they have served me well, so hopefully over the weekend I can find something similar so that I can wear them in for the marathon coming up in six weeks. What do you look for in a shoe?