Three for Thursday

Excited much. You bet. I’m so excited I’m ready to burst. Except I can’t say anything until late next week so I don’t jinx myself. If it falls through I’ll be very disappointed. This is going to be the longest eight days. It’s happening next Friday. Fingers crossed it all goes well. Tell you all about it then.

June is a cold month. For some reason I can’t remember it being this cold last year. It was 9 degrees this morning and whilst that’s nothing compared to what I experienced in Poland standing on the platform awaiting a delayed train in -18 degrees. It still feels cold here though and it’s dark of a morning, and while I do wake up around 5ish and sometimes motivate myself to do some yoga I would really really like to start cycling and running of a morning. With 15 hours of commuting to and fro work from Monday to Friday it doesn’t leave enough time for everything I want to do. I’m not going to move closer to work and I’m not going to change jobs so that leaves me with a little bit of time during the week for short speedy sessions and leaving the longer ones for weekends and public holidays.

Interval training rocks! Tuesdays and Thursdays at the gym I have about 30 mins to fit in a warm up, main session and a cool down. That means there’s no time for mucking about. It’s work work work from the moment I jump on the treadmill. So on Tuesday it’s short fast intervals – 6 x 1 minute @ 14km/hr with a two minute recovery run between each one. Thursdays are longer intervals, since I don’t have much time I limit these to 4 x 3 minutes at 12.5km/hr with a 1 minute easy run in between – with this session I find that I can get away with a shorter workout, so instead of warming up for 10 minutes I only warm up for about 6 or 7. The ones I did today left me exhausted and pleased for not giving up. If I want to race faster I’m going to have to acclimatise my body to faster running even if it’s only by a pinch which is just one of the reasons interval training rocks.