Training 9.8.10 – 15.8.10

Mon – 45 minutes full body weight training in the morning

40 minutes easy run (about 7km) in the afternoon

Tue 80 minute easy run (about 13.5km) mid morning

I set out to do about 8km but at the beginning I thought I wouldn’t even manage that. My both felt really heavy and it was like dragging my legs with each stride. The one and a half week break from running due to a holiday abroad didn’t do much good for my energy levels. After about 8km though I got a new spurt of energy and pushed myself to go further. Thinking about my performance in an upcoming event, what I wanted to achieve and having good music kept me going. By the end I’m sure I could have churned a few more but I didn’t want to push myself too hard and end up injuring myself. Once I reached home and stopped I felt the exhaustion hit me. After pacing for a few minutes I grabbed some water and a banana to replenish some of my energy before showering and having lunch.

My heart rate returned to normal within 5-10 minutes. Overall I’m pleased with my training today.

Wed – 38 minute run (about 7km) in the evening

Started out real easy, after the half way mark picked up a bit of speed. I’m trying to run this distance faster each time. Before my holiday I had it down to thirty four minutes. My lower back hurts around the spine area. I’m not sure what this is from. If pain persists I’m going to have to see a doctor and I really don’t like doing that. It may have something to do with my posture and the amount of time I spent in front of the computer. I try to get up every hour and do some stretching and light exercises but it doesn’t always happen.

Thu – Rest day

Fri – 70 minute run (about 12km) around midday

The run was exhausting. It was about 30 degrees outside and sunny. I probably should have gone in the evening but I know that I would have found an excuse not to. It took longer than usual to get my heart rate back to normal.

I did experience back pain afterwards though and that’s a bit of a worry. I don’t feel it when I walk around or run. It only appears when I sit. If pain persists till Sunday I am going to have to see a doctor for an x-ray or ultrasound.

Sat – 50km cycle (average speed 18km/hr), 20 minutes stretching

There was a moment during the cycle where I thought that my legs would give up. The felt stiff and each pedal forward was getting harder and harder. That’s what happens when you don’t get on the bike regularly.

Sun – 40 minutes Yoga

Note: This is not a typical week in my workout schedule. It’s probably one of the hardest training weeks I’ve had in a long time. By Saturday night I was exhausted. Next week I’m going to focus on intervals and more cross training. Three weeks before I start in my first half marathon. Luckily due to summer holidays on this side of the continent my workload is much lower so I have more time to dedicate to my fitness.