Training in Review

Mon 2.7

Tue 3.7
20 min walk with Kola
10 min ABS 
(three exercises – I tried Susan’s Strong Abs but it was tough, you shouldn’t start a challenge a day or two after a marathon. I modified the first one and did 4×20, the side plank with twist was 1×8 on both sides, and then 4×20 traditional crunches of my own) – starting a challenge after a marathon…bad idea. I’ll do it seriously from next week!
10 min stretch 
(my quads are still hurting!)
Wed – Fri 4.7-6.7
Sat 7.7
46min swim (2km) 
[3x300m (200freestyle/100breaststroke) –> 6x100m freestyle (80% intensity) –> 100 pull + 100m kick –> 300m easy (100 free, 100 back, 100 breaststroke)]
Sun 8.7
40min cycle on windtrainer (11.5km)
20min walk with Kola
Easing back into it. I noticed today that it takes me about fifteen to twenty minutes to warm up on the bike before I actually feel like I’m working. What I really love about training on the windtrainer is that by the time I’m done, whether it’s twenty or sixty minutes, I’m drenched in sweat. 
I’ve rested enough from last weekend’s race, although I have decided that no running for at least ten days. While the pain has gone away I still feel a tingling in my left knee and right hip. A few extra non-running days won’t hurt. I have to say though that when I see others running or read on facebook about the kilometres my friends are doing, it makes me want to don my running shoes and get out there too. That’s a good thing. Last year after the marathon I felt like I couldn’t be bothered. This time I’m more motivated than ever and I’m looking forward to getting back to training. 
I was supposed to get started on the AB challenge from the 1st of July but that wasn’t going to happen. I’ve decided to start tomorrow and Jarek wants to do it with me. Yay! We can motivate each other.