Training in Review

I’d love to report a great training week with lots of cycling, running and swimming but it’s not happening for me. I’m not sure what happened at the beginning of the week. My blood pressure rose to above normal levels for me, 150/100 is a shocker when it usually averages around 115/75, my head felt like it was on fire and I had hot flushes running through my body, then there was the lingering headache every day. Hormones? Maybe. I went to the doctor today, running a few tests tomorrow, and hoping that everything is as it should be so I can safely and happily get back to training. Eight weeks to go, I need to get a move on.

Mon 15/10
Rest day

Tue 16/10
AM:30 min swim (1.5km) – 1000m + 300m pull + 150m freestyle + 50m breaststroke 
PM: 50 min spin class (20km) lunchtime + 20 min walk with Kola in the evening

Wed 17/10
Rest Day
My body is trying to tell me something. I haven’t figured out what. Blood pressure has been higher than normal, and my head hurt all day.
PM: 20 min walk with Kola

Thu 18/10
PM: 20 min walk with Kola

Headache and pressure in the head all day. Left work early.

Fri 19/10
PM: 20 min walk

Sat 20/10
PM: 40 min beach walk

Sun 21/10
PM: 45 min beach walk (about 5km)