Yes! You Should Invest in Your Health & Fitness

Hey you, yes you, the gorgeous woman staring in the mirror, wondering if you’re allowed to set those insane goals. Yes, you, the girl who wants to have it all but isn’t sure where to start. Yes, you, the lady who dreams of running a marathon or lose the last five kilograms. Yes, you, the mum of three who would love to one day finish a triathlon. Yes, you, the grandma who’s not done enjoying life. Yes, you, the businesswoman mum-of-two who just wants more time for you.

be your best version

You Can Have It All

You can have it all. Just not all at once.

And it all starts with your health and fitness.

People, women more often than not, place restrictions on our abilities. Well, I’m a mum there’s no way I can do that. Or, my kids need me twenty-four seven, I can’t be selfish and go for a run. My body hurts, there’s no way I can exercise three days per week.  I work sixty hours a week; I don’t have the time or the energy to train for a fun run. I’m a grandma, my life doesn’t matter (Yeah, I heard this from my very own mum and it pissed me off!).

Whether you’re fifteen or fifty-five, you are allowed to have dreams and goals outside of your family commitments. You are never just a teen or a mum or grandma or business owner, employee or athlete. You are so much more than that.

We women, we’re incredible creatures. We bring life to the world. We are fucking awesome. Don’t forget it. (Men, if you’re reading. You’re awesome too, when you want to be! 😉 )

Sometimes we need to be a little selfish. We need to invest in our own wellbeing so we can be happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser. That selfishness is a good thing.

Change Your Mindset

Your mind plays a significant role. It is the place in which you have deep and meaningful conversations with yourself, or, the place you punish yourself with harsh criticism. Some days it will seem as if there are two of you. The good on the left and the bad on the right, or vice versa.

It’s too easy to be in a constant battle with your mind, which, let’s be honest here, is debilitating when you’re trying to achieve your wildest dreams.

The truth is, it’s usually just you against you.

Once you realise this the ball lands in your court, and you can start working towards your dream life, or just setting a massive goal and accomplishing it. Both are life-changing.

It all begins with your mindset. Tell yourself often enough that, ‘yes, you can do it’. And you’ll surprise yourself when you realize you’re doing it. Whatever ‘it’ might be for you.

Since this is Running Candid, and it’s all about healthy and fit living, it’s likely that many of your goals will revolve around being healthy and staying fit. As I’m a mum who’s also a writer and loves to travel, some of these topics and goals relating to them will overlap. Remember, we’re three-dimensional creatures. We will more often than not be pulled in different directions, often directions that conflict with one another.

The Importance of Health & Fitness

FYI. I haven’t always been healthy and fit. I’ve gone through periods of neglect. Making bad choices. Forgetting to invest in my body and mind. I felt like shit. Even now, there are weekends where one glass of wine will turn into four. There are evenings where I will binge on a block of Lindt dark chocolate. Weekends were a buffet breakfast will turn into calorie overload. Or dinner will involve entrée, main and dessert and I’m forced to undo the top button of my pants.

Just not every day.

Health and fitness is a balancing act.

Did you know that around 60% of Australian and American adults are overweight or obese?

Health and fitness isn’t rocket science although dieticians and fitness trainers sometimes make it so.

Did you know that around 20,000 individuals graduate with a Certificate IV in Fitness each year?

It makes you wonder why Australia isn’t the fittest place in the world.

It’s because we complicate things. While weight loss is simple, calories in vs calories out. I believe that we need to stop thinking about the number on the scales and start thinking about how we feel, before, during, and after our meals, our exercise sessions, and our crazy splurges.

Knowledge is power.

Health and fitness are vital to our wellbeing. It’s an investment in ourselves that spills over into our family life, our relationships, our jobs, and our community. Too often we leave it too late and it all becomes too hard.

It doesn’t have to be hard.

You can focus on your health and fitness without doing a complete overhaul.

Think of your health and fitness as a journey rather than a destination.

Running Candid

Small Actions Reap Huge Rewards

Aiming for perfection is crazy and impractical. Choose good enough instead.

Gone are the days of dieting. I’ve tried Atkins, Cabbage Soup Diet, the Zone, fasting, etc.

They all work for about five minutes until you eat like a normal human being.

I have found, however, what works is often the simplest.

  • Listen to your body.

  • Choose fresh over processed.

  • Cook at home instead of ordering take out.

  • Eat slowly.

  • Avoid starvation.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Make room for treats.

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Small steps are all it takes.

It Starts With You

You are the CEO of your life. I know it doesn’t always seem that way when you’re running around like a headless chook, trying to make sure that your family is looked after, the boss is happy, kids are fed and you’ve touched base with your girlfriends.

You choose the way you spend your days. Sure, there are certain things that are a given especially when you’re a mum or have a full-time job. But you own the time in between.

You decide whether you wake up fifteen minutes earlier to go for a run. You decide whether you take the kids for a power walk or spend ten minutes doing yoga before bed. You decide whether dinner is chicken nuggets or a chicken salad. You decide to smile or to frown. You decide to set a goal and work towards it or shrug your shoulders and reach for the remote.

It all starts with you.

health & fitness

Just One Thing

Whatever it is you want to achieve you can start today. If you’ve never run before but really want to sign up for a marathon in six months, you can start today. It may seem impossible but when you break it down into smaller steps, the goal becomes clearer.

Do just one thing today.

Want to run a marathon this year? Awesome! Take twenty minutes today and go for a walk/run. You can walk five minutes, then alternate between walking and running for ten minutes, and finish with a five-minute walk. Easy. The pace doesn’t matter. Getting out there and getting it done does.

Do just one thing today.

Want to lose ten kilograms? Fantastic! Swap your greasy breakfast for a half cup of Greek yoghurt and 1 cup of fruit salad with a sprinkling of almonds or your favourite nuts/seeds.

By focusing on just one thing every day, your goals no longer seem impossible feats. They are within your reach.

Choose one thing today. One thing tomorrow. Then repeat. Amazing things will happen. I promise.

What To Expect From Running Candid

Health and fitness have become an integral part of my life. While I love a glass of wine on a Friday night, sometimes even a Monday. Two bowls of pasta for dinner are not unheard of. And I have a weakness for dark chocolate. I want to help other women, especially mums, achieve their dreams starting with their health and fitness. Life is short, and we need to focus on being the best version of ourselves.

We are all different. We might have the same basic needs but we have different goals and dreams. The method, however, is the same.

I want you to feel good. Take the pressure off and enjoy every day.

Do I guarantee only good days? Gosh no. There will be shitty days. Mediocre days. Epic days. That’s life. If it was all good we wouldn’t appreciate it. I’m here to help you get through the tough times. To give you a boost when you’re feeling down. To praise you when you’ve done something awesome. To guide you when you’re unsure.

Occasionally, I will keep you updated with my own crazy hopes and dreams and the progress. I’m a mum, I work full time; I love writing fiction, and now there’s Running Candid. I believe you can do a lot, one day at a time.

Sometimes I will promote products and services I believe are awesome. I will never try to sell you anything I don’t back up 100%. As it takes time and money to run an online business, I will have affiliates – that means I get paid for certain things I promote. I will always disclose this information to you. The affiliates are at no extra cost to you.


If you want to stay up to date with tips and tricks to stay fit and healthy without going crazy, then please sign up for my fortnightly newsletter. (Coming soon!)

I promise not to spam your Inbox.

Every two weeks I will send out a newsletter with a new exercise, the occassional challenge, recipes, ome news and interesting tidbits to keep you motivated along your health and fitness journey. As a thank you for signing up, you’ll get a 30-day booty challenge workout to follow in the comfort of your own home – no equipment necessary!

Let’s Connect: Social Media

You can find Running Candid at the following places:





YouTube – coming soon.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope that you enjoy Running Candid and everything it offers. I look forward to getting to know you and helping you achieve your health and fitness goals, and beyond.

It all starts with you!

Lots of love



Send me an email if you have questions, suggestions, queries, requests!


The information on this website is for informational and entertainment purposes only. None of it constitutes as personal advice. I will endeavour to back up any health and fitness related posts with studies but be sure to use common sense. Always seek professional medical advice (i.e. your doctor!) before embarking on a new fitness program. Listen to your body. I hold a Certficate IV in Fitness but this place is for general advice only!