A long one

Great workout today. Loved it. Felt fantastic throughout and even at the end. I could have run more but I did the right thing by stopping where I planned. 14km. Yippee!

Fridays/Saturdays are going to be my long run days. That’s when I can get into the gym and on the treadmill for longer than an hour. Plus I know that I can get an extra hour of sleep on Saturday or Sunday morning which will help with recovery. Each week I’m going to try and increase the distance by 1 – 2km depending on how I feel. I’m finding that doing these longer intervals is helping me run longer without getting bored.

On another note, I’ve been reading ‘The Runner’s Body’ and there’s a lot of interesting information in there that I had no idea about. A lot of it makes sense too. Yes there are some things that I will question but overall it’s pretty informative. I’ll post a review once I’m done.

Today’s training:

Terrain: Treadmill

Workout: Long intervals – 5 x 2km @ 12km/hr with 0.5km easy @ 10.5km/hr between each.

Time: 73:36 mins

Distance: 14km

Other: Yoga poses

4 thoughts on “A long one

  1. Wow, sounds like a great workout. I’m looking forward to the review! Are there any days in Poland when it’s warm enough to run outside (in the winter, that is), or do you stick to the treadmill all winter long?

  2. Winter temperature varies. The last few weeks the snow thawed and it was about 3 degrees Celsius. It’s ok to run up to about -5 degrees, any colder and it stops being pleasant. 🙂
    The treadmill is just for my long runs and my sprint intervals. At the moment I’m doing about two runs on the treadmill and two to three runs outside each week.

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