As Nike said it, Just Do It

So, two weeks of regular training and I’m back to feel like my old self. Well maybe not old, but definitely my better self. Who would have thought that it would only take a few sessions at the gym?

Ok, well I did. I knew all along and yet I forced myself to suffer for months not doing anything and wondering why I couldn’t get enough sleep, why my back was constantly sore, why I had no energy to do all the things I dream of doing.

Now I’ve proved to myself that even when you’re tired after work, fitting in a workout is better for your than sitting down to a glass of wine in front of the telly. Well duh, isn’t that what I’ve been telling everyone around me but forgot for a few months to listen to my own advice.

Maybe my body did need the break though. My mind too.

I’m in love with running once again. And swimming, and weight training and everything revolved around fitness. And it only took a couple of weeks.

No more guilt for not training. No more feeling like crap in front of the computer at work all day. Yay.

So next time you’re too tired to hit the gym, go for an afternoon run, or just do a few strength exercises, stop and just do it. Ten minutes. That’s all you need. If you stop after ten that’s fine. However, you won’t want to. Your energy levels will increase and you’re going to want to continue. Ten minutes is all it takes. You might even start with ten and then build up to fifteen, twenty and within a few weeks you’ll be going for half an hour.

You’ll feel better. Your skin will be clearer. You’ll feel more energised. You’ll have a smile on your face more often. You’ll be stronger. You’ll be healthier and fitter. Ten minutes. Just go for it.