Seeking Balance


I’m seeking it but it keeps getting ahead of me and instead all I feel is commotion and chaos. 
It’s not easy to find a healthy balance between work, home, family, friends, health & fitness, goals, hobbies, rest and sleep. 
No one said it was going to be easy. 
I’m still trying and I’m going to keep going until I find the balance that’s right for me. 
There are a number of areas that I’m not content with. I like my job but I don’t love it. Ok, it’s more the social aspect of it and being in the financial services industry. But it’s not what I want to do. I’m not into the admin side of things. I need something more. Something a little more ambitious for me. The problem is it’s eating up so much of my time. Three hours a day commuting plus eight and a half in the office. It doesn’t leave much time for all the other things I want to do. 
The logical solution would be to find a job closer to home. Eventually I will do this but for various reasons it’s not an option at the moment, not in the next twelve months at least. 
Health and fitness are integral to our general wellbeing. Unfortunately, I’ve noticed that unless I’m going all out, I don’t feel motivated. Tonight’s session was kettle bells, intervals on the treadmill, followed by a kilometre swim. It felt so good and I want to do it every day. I need to accept the fact that it’s not going to happen. Each day is different and I don’t know how I’ll feel or what will arise that needs to take precedence. 
With training I’m taking each day as it comes. There’s no point at getting angry for a workout not done. Tomorrow is another day. Sometimes less is better than none. Sometimes doing nothing for a day or two means avoiding injury. 
Balance. Aligning everything in place. It takes time and effort. Chaos will arise from time to time. It’s inevitable. It’s all part of the balancing act.