Hitting the Gym

I hit the gym today. I forgot how much I enjoyed it. Lifting weights, going heavy, watching my muscles work in the mirror. I love the shaking afterwards when I’ve worked just a little bit too hard. 

I forgot for a while what it was to train just for the satisfaction. 

A friend at work today asked what I’m training for now and I didn’t have an answer. Yes, I’ve a half marathon coming up but that wasn’t the reason behind my gym visit. 

Once upon a time I used to go to the gym on a daily basis, for an hour sometimes too. My life revolved around it. It did help that the gym was next door to my work and I didn’t commute three hours a day. 

I loved working out for the sake of working out. 

There were no marathons to run or triathlons to do. No new races to build my speed or endurance. It was just training for the pure enjoyment of it. 

Lately, I haven’t been sleeping well. I wake up tired regardless of the hours I sleep. My back hurts. My posture is suffering. I feel the roundness of my tummy expanding. And my confidence is plummeting. I’m not enjoying much of anything and all the goals I’ve set for myself are disintegrating. 

A lack of regular training is to blame. I’m not me without a good workout. 

Since I’m paying for a gym membership I need to use plus it’s winter and heading outdoors during the weekdays when it’s cold and dark is not very enticing. So, the plan is Monday and Wednesday afternoons at the gym. 

Two days a week. No excuses.