Darn Injuries

I’m injured. The pain started on Sunday after I returned from my run. I hope it’s only a light overuse injury but I’m worried it’s something worse. Bending my left knee hurts. When I’m still or walking around normally I don’t feel it but when I bend my knee to a 45 degree angle I feel an ache on the outside of my left knee. I’m not a doctor of physio so I can’t make more than a guess as to what is causing the problem but I’m pretty certain my shoes are the problem.

I was supposed to run my first marathon in two and a half weeks. If pain and discomfort persists than it ain’t going to happen. I’m giving it till the end of the week to make my final decision. For the time being I’m trying to keep my leg elevated, ice the area a couple of times a day, light stretching, and I’m saying no to running until the end of the week.