Getting there

The flu, long hours at work and pure procrastination has resulted in my training being mediocre at best, pathetic at worst. While I’ve stuck to most of my planned runs and weight sessions, the cycling has been minimal and swimming non-existent. I’m a wuss that’s all I can say about it. I’m scared of getting out on the road on my own when it comes to cycling – only the other week I saw a young men get hit and killed on the road whilst riding to work. Yes, there are cycling lanes but accidents happen. I am going to have to get over this fear, and I am working on it.

I am going to get into the water soon. I have to, especially if I’m going to race in triathlon. It has gotten colder though and that sucks. I’m hoping to jump in the pool this weekend, and then every Saturday and Sunday thereafter. In the next triathlon I do (probably November), I don’t want to panic in the water. I want to swim confidently and swiftly, afterall it’s not a long distance (only 400m).

Spring has arrived and the days are longer which means morning sessions are going to become a lot more enjoyable. I’m looking forward to more training on the beach, learning to swim in open water, and overcoming my fear of cycling on the road on my own.

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