Happy Friday

Last week I wrote about giving yourself 10 minutes before you call it quits. Today I lasted twenty-five. 

While most reasonable individuals would be going out for a Friday night drinks I decided to hit the gym. The aim was for weights and running. I did ten minutes of weights and a fifteen minute run. 

What a waste, right? Wrong. 

When I got home Jarek reminded me that twenty five is better than none. 

At the start of my workout I felt disorientated. I didn’t know what machine to use or which weight to choose. After a few sets of close grip and wide grip chin ups, lunges and kickbacks I was done. It was depressing. I had been looking forward to getting in a good session all day. 

So I jumped on the treadmill. Each minute felt like five.My legs were dragging. I felt twinges in my shins, in my ankle. With each step instead of feeling lighter I felt heavier. At fifteen minutes I stopped. Enough was enough. 

After a shower, I grabbed a protein shake and caught the train home. 

I’m glad I went though. I feel better now, lighter on my feet, more refreshed and relaxed – like I might after a glass of wine on Friday night but without the headache the next day. 

The weekend has started on a positive note. Workout done, Pink concert tickets purchased, plans to meet friends on Saturday and Sunday, and fit a run in at the beach. Fingers crossed it’s going to be a sunny one. 

Happy Friday!