No, no, no

*(^^$*%&#@ every expletive is coming to mind right now. Running on the treadmill this afternoon I think I pulled my calf muscle. It hurts. With each step it feels like a knife being jammed into it. I cannot afford this injury. I’m #&*^@! pissed. It’s less than two weeks till the big race.

It’s going to get better. It has to. It does mean no running for the next few days. I need to focus on the swimming and cycling, at an easy pace of course and back of if I feel any discomfort. If the pain hasn’t gone away or at least significantly reduced by Thursday, I’ll go see a physio.

For tonight. I’m icing. Tomorrow I’ll get on the roller to loosen it up and more ice. Maybe a gentle massage too. Plus flat shoes to work. And stretching. Just a few of the things I’ve not been consistent with.