No time…make the time

With busy schedules, demanding jobs, families to look after adn responsibilities to fulfill, the gym or any exercise often gets put on the backburner. When you’re training for an event, this can harm your future performance and your ability to win, set a personal record or finish the race feeling fantastic. We’re not all going to come first or even second in a marathon or a triathlon, but we can all find time in our day to schedule a workout.

A large number of us could probably skip an episode of ‘The Block’ or a repeat of ‘Friends’ or we could catch up on the news whilst pounding the treadmill instead of creating a permanent mark on the couch in our living room. We could spend less time checking our emails and rather than posting a Facebook or Twitter update on the latest bar we’ve invaded, we could set an example and post about the great beach run we’ve just had and maybe even motivate one other person to do the same. We can all find time, even if it’s that fifteen minutes.

Today, I had less than an hour to workout and I’m glad I managed to fit it in. It’s possible to have an effective and exhausting workout in under sixty minutes. Here’s the one I did today – I was stuffed by the end of it.

25 minutes weights
3×15 chin ups (assisted – assistance decreased with each set)
3×15 reverse lunges (each leg)
3×15 dumbell rows
3×15 abductor machine

25 minutes intervals on treadmill
1:40 @ 10.5k/h
1:40 @ 13.5k/h
repeat seven times and cool down with 1:40 @ 10.5k/h

What do you do when you’ve less than an hour to workout?