Random Thoughts

It’s another rainy day here in Poland and because I’m at home all day today it doesn’t bother me at all. It’s only when I have to go into the city and move from one company to the next that I cannot stand the rain as I can’t stand umbrellas. I have a habit of losing them or leaving them on buses and trains. When it rains it also means I’m less likely to go running. Yesterday I did my running at the gym and today I’m going to force myself to do some weights and abdominal exercises.

All I’m thinking about is food actually. I should be working on uni assignments but other writing related stuff but my thoughts are on eating and drinking. Blame the weather of course. My lunch consisted of kidney beans cooked with tomato paste with chilly powder, shredded cheese and a buttered bread roll. Yummy. I’m not one of those girls who worries about eating too many carbohydrates. I just feed my body whatever it craves and it thanks me by behaving itself and giving me the energy to run around like a mad woman on a mission.

The temperature is dropping too. That’s something I really don’t like. Firstly, I’m not prepared for it. I’ve been in Poland for three years but I am very short on warm clothing. I don’t want to buy it because I don’t want to admit to the fact that there is going to be a cold winter ahead. I’m a summer girl. I need warmth and sunshine on my skin to function correctly. Anything below twenty degrees Celsius is a pain. So as I sit at home I have the fire going to keep warm and many cups of hot tea to keep me company.

A few weeks ago I ordered a running book, ‘Run Faster From The 5k to the Marathon: How To Be Your Own Best Coach’ by Brad Hudson & Matt Fitzgerald, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I received an email that it has arrived safely at the bookshop and I can pick it up. Tomorrow I shall get my hands on it and I’m curious to read what the author has to say about becoming a faster runner.

For now, it’s time for me to get back to doing some work. Uni assignments. Articles. Queries. Cleaning up. And finally some much needed exercise after sitting on my butt too long.