Recovery, it’s not what it used to be

The weekend has become a blur. I had huge intentions to get through my extensive ‘to do’ list which included weight training and a long run along the beach. But neither happened and even two thirds of my list was thrown out the window, well in the trash anyway. Come Monday (and Tuesday), I was so knackered and still felt it today.

Once upon a time I’d recover from a busy weekend or a late night after only five or six hours sleep. Nowadays it feels like I need three days with eight or nine hours of sleep to start feeling normal. Is this what getting old involves? Or maybe it’s because I failed to train. A solid run or decent weight session energises me even if my day is packed full with things to do. Shame that I don’t always take my own advice though.

It was a fun weekend though. Brisbane Writers Festival, Polish Spring Festival, and Pink’s The Truth About Love concert. Did I tell you how much I love Pink? Well I do. She’s awesome. Love her voice and her music. And her abs. Pink’s one fit chick, she has to be with all the acrobatics and running around stage concert after concert.

One great workout is putting on a Pink CD then jumping and dancing around the living room singing. Might annoy the heck out of your neighbours but it sure is energising. Or any favourite music you might have.

Well, I’m off to bed. Hopefully, all ready and eager to run tomorrow.

Pink’s The Truth About Love concert, Brisbane
Polish Spring Festival

Brisbane Writer’s Festival