Resting up

The festivities are over quicker than they get started. Christmas rolled around with preparations going full steam ahead weeks before the actual day. The build up to the silly season is the most exciting part. Once you get to Christmas, you’re too exhausted to enjoy it. At least that’s how it feels in my household. One thing is certain, there was far too much food and wine on the menu in the past few days and now I’m suffering.

While the intention after Canberra 70.3 was to rest up for a couple of weeks, heal the injuries, get the body back in sync with the mind and just chill out without worrying about lap counts, kilometres ran or riding speed, it did not mean becoming a sloth.

Ok, I wasn’t completely idle. There were a couple of massages, even a swim and a fair bit of walking but I feel like I really really need to go for a run. Scratch that. I want to go for a run damn it. I want to feel the sand between my toes and the salty water splashing at my legs as I run along the shore at Burleigh dodging sun lovers and side stepping bluish jellyfish that may or may not sting.

Cautiousness is going to prevail and I’m going to avoid running for at least another week than reassess again. Until then there’s plenty of time to cross train, relax and stretch.

Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas 🙂