Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings

We woke up late today and spent the morning watching silly stuff on television and snuggling. It was lovely not to have to rush anywhere and just be.

It’s 11am and we’re just starting to make breakfast. Well, Jarek is making breakfast. The onion he’s cutting is stinging my eyes and I can feel the tears welling up. It’s one of the things I love about Sundays – Jarek in the kitchen preparing our typical Sunday morning feast: scrambled eggs made with onion, ham, capsicum and chives.

Later on I’m going to have coffee with a friend, read a few books, do some weight training and read the latest Polish issue of Runner’s World. I haven’t run for over a week and a half but that’s okay. It’s better to rest now then to have to take a longer break later on. Luckily the temperature reached -18 for most of the week at night and -12 during the day so running would have been out of the question anyway. I have been doing lots of crunches, lunges, push ups and squats in the meantime.

Next week I’m hoping to fit in a few running sessions, but since it’s my last week in Poland I’ll be catching up with family, friends, visiting museums and strolling the Old Town so running will be a maybe rather than a must. My knee seems to be better so a few running sessions wouldn’t hurt, even if they’re just at the gym on the treadmill.

What’s on the menu for you today?

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