This & That

This afternoon I went into the nutrition store to buy some energy gels for tomorrow’s 100km Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge. The guy serving me asked, ‘have you just come from a yoga class. You look so chilled.”

I almost laughed. No such thing on the agenda today. But his comment made me realise that I was so relaxed that I hadn’t even realised it. Nothing bothered me today. It was one of those days that you can’t plan. Relaxation just sort of happens. After a morning swim session of 2.2km, I enjoyed breakfast time at a cafe followed by coffee with a friend, then checking out some display homes at the gorgeous Observatory in Reedy Creek. I love that place. The views are fantastic and it’s close and far enough at the same time to the beaches and rowdiness of the Gold Coast. They have 13km of walking/running tracks surrounded by natural bushland – they’re fairly hilly too which would be perfect training ground. Unfortunately, it’s also quite pricey. At the moment, it’s one of those dream places we’d like to live. One day…

One ‘to do’ task today was purchasing a pair of cushioned bike shorts. I didn’t have a pair. My butt was not happy about this. Long session on the bike without proper support hurt. The butt had had enough and it was time to give in and buy a pair. My butt will be pleased, my bank balance not quite.

Trying to be an athlete is expensive. $100 for a pair of cushioned bike pants. I swear the Aussie shops are ripping us off. I thought about using them for the 70.3 in December. Apparently, a bad idea. Unless I want chafing and blisters and running like a chicken with legs wide apart. I don’t. That means a tri suit is in order. There goes another $200. The 70.3 is in colder waters. Canberra doesn’t often experience the Gold Coast tepid climate all year round hence the water temperature is much cooler. A wetsuit, well anywhere upwards of $100. I’m wondering is there a cheaper way to do this? Is sports gear so expensive in other parts of the world?

Tomorrow, we’re up at 4am for the 100km Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge. It’s going to be a scorcher so sunscreen is a must, so are sunnies and plenty, and I mean plenty of fluids. It was way above 30 C in the sun today and it’s supposed to be even hotter tomorrow. Not sure how we’re going to handle that but the ride is going to get done. It’ll be good practice for the 70.3. While tomorrow is not a race, it’ll give me an indication of my ability on the road. I’m hoping we finish sub 4:15 (though secretly I’m really hoping for a sub 3:45).