Thursday’s Thoughts

Having dealt with a few medical issues over the past couple of weeks I’m back to feeling almost normal again. I’m healthy. My cholesterol has dropped. I’ve realised that things don’t always go according to plan but everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the things we want the most are out of reach right now but if we persevere we can get what we want. 
Health and fitness aren’t just about pumping iron at the gym or running a half marathon. It’s running up the stairs when the train’s pulling into the platform because you slept in. It’s about having enough energy after a stressful day at work to still slip your feet into some runners and hit the pavement. It’s going out dancing on Saturday night and not pretending to be Cinderella thinking you’ll turn into a pumpkin if you’re not in bed before midnight. It’s about saying no to the chocolate brownies at a work morning tea because you’d much prefer the carrot stick and crackers with salsa and dip. It’s sitting up right at your desk everyday to prevent the nagging lower back pain. Making time for massages and giving yourself pedicures. It’s about not feeling guilty and treating yourself to the things you love but also knowing when you really should say no. 
Balance. Sometimes it seems like the hardest thing to strike but it can be done. With time, one step a time, it’s achievable. 
I’m almost 30. Just a short month and a half away. I’m ready to seek balance in everything that I do. 

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