To Run… Or Not To

Yesterday I talked about running through pain – sometimes it’s okay, usually it isn’t. After searching for some research articles on running through an injury I found some useful articles on Runner’s World (UK) about whether you should keep running or stop when pain appears; check it out at:

and another one that offers tips on dealing with an injury without losing your mind or fitness level;

Your body is your temple and it will tell you when you need to ease up and when you need to push harder. Running helps you stay in tune with your physical self so make sure that you listen to the signals to prevent long term injuries.

Running can also help ease mental ailments, you know the type I mean –emotional problems, relationship dramas, family issues, stress, tragedies, losses, joys, and sorrows. You might start out running angry, frustrated or sad –but by the time you reach the stretch home your emotions will have calmed down, you’ll be thinking clearer, and won’t be making any hasty decisions.

Some people run to lose weight, others to stay active; there are those who want to run marathons; others who want to be Olympians; and some just want the stress to go away. It doesn’t matter what type of runner you are, running is something that can help you live your life in the best possible way, and to stay physically and mentally fit –even with the occasional injury that gets in the way.

One thought on “To Run… Or Not To

  1. So true! I was sidelined by injury for a long time and the excitement of getting back into running is impossible to explain to someone who hasn’t run. It helps with everything! This morning was unusually sunny for this time of year – freezing but sunny and it was Great to get out in the park.

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