Training in Review

Well, I’d like to say it was a good week training but again, come Wednesday I was exhausted. I trained on Monday and Tuesday after work and I had good intentions for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday but little things got in the way. 
I’ve had a really bad case of eczema on my foot. It’s been their for a while but this last couple of weeks it just seemed to get more and more inflamed. Some days I didn’t feel it at all and other days it made itself known – one of the reasons I used for not running or cycling. I didn’t want to develop an infection.

The liquid that looks like sap is Manuka honey, another natural remedy I was using.
I’ve never been the type to be allergic to anything or get breakouts – not when I was a kid nor when I was a teen or beyond. The only things that I seemed to have a negative reaction to were wasps and horse flies. Until recently that is. 
The blood test I had a month or so ago showed that I had some sort of allergy or eczema type problem – the docs words. I didn’t investigate further but simply assumed that was the reason for the breakout on my middle finger of my left hand and the breakout on the bottom of my left foot. I tried using creams from the pharmacy but nothing worked. I soaked my feet in cold salty water or mixed with bicarbonate soda – this helped a little although I was beginning to think I was stuck with this annoyance for good.
Two days ago, I showed the eczema on my foot and finger to my mum and she immediately went into the garden and cut a bit of an aloe vera plant that I didn’t know we had. Genius. I put the aloe vera on my foot and bandaged it up to leave on overnight. I rubbed some of the plant into my hands like I would with hand cream and went to sleep not expecting much. 
In the morning the pain from my foot was gone. The area didn’t look very attractive but I could feel that it was better. The scaly skin on my fingers was gone and it was back to being smooth in most places. I did continue with the moisturiser to keep moisture in my hands all day and for the next few nights I’m going to use the aloe vera and fingers crossed it will heal completely. Aloe vera I thank you in advance.
I’ve also started drinking spirulina to eliminate toxins and increase the antioxidants in my diet, but that’s for another post. 
So training hasn’t been good this week. What are my other excuses – Friday night after work I went straight to the hairdresser and didn’t get home till after 10pm. Today, I spent the morning looking at real estate, the afternoon talking about real estate and now I’m sitting in bed with aloe vera wrapped to my foot before I have to get ready to go out for dinner with friends. To the Aztec we go for Mexican and I’m hoping to enjoy a couple vegetarian enchiladas. Tomorrow I’ll get back to things, I’ve a half marathon to run so it’ll be a good start to the training week and hopefully no more excuses in tow.

2 thoughts on “Training in Review

  1. Monika said: Kasiu powodzenia na polmaratonie – mam nadzieje ze noga nie będzie cię bolała podczas biegu, wyglada nieciekawie ale może wyciąg z aloesu rzeczywiście pomoże 🙂

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