Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas with family and friends. Enjoy the food, make the most of the free time whether it’s relaxing or fitting in some extra miles, spend time with your loved ones and spoil each other in the best ways possible whatever they may be for you. I hope you all have a wonderful and prosperous New Year, one that is everything that you want.

I have to say my partner spoilt me this year. I scored a cool black Suunto Quest Heart Rate Monitor with Foot Pod to help me track my training. He’s is the best! And what’s better is we got up on Christmas morning and went for a 5km run together to try out my new little gadget. With lots of hills I could see my heart rate bopping up and down and my legs getting a good workout. It was a perfect start to Christmas Day!

Now it’s time to enjoy some more food, spend time with family and friends, and I guess enjoy some more food. I’ll be indulging in a mixture of Australian and Polish cuisine today.

Have a fantastic Christmas Day!

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. First had to shake an image of you running in the snow out of my head and re-adjust to sunny Qld! Perfect pressie – best of luck with the training in the new year

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