
Just to be up front with you all, I suck at yoga. Sure, I’ve done a little bit of yoga here and there in the past, and now I’m doing this challenge of 30 minutes of yoga everyday in May but it’s all a learning process. I have to admit even though I’m not much good at it I am enjoying it. It’s a learning process for both the body and the mind.

At the moment I really want to learn how to do the basic sun salutation sequence, and do it well. I feel clumsy with each move I make but I hope that with time and practice the moves will flow and become natural. Here’s the sun salutation sequence and just for laughs I’ve included a video of my sun salutation sequence.

Here’s my very unflattering version…

As you can see I have a long way to go. And since I would like to get something out of this month of yoga, I purchased my first book on yoga, Yoga: Theory & Practice for Beginners and Advanced Students by Inge Schops. It’s a hard cover edition with detailed pictures,  descriptions and much more. I haven’t got around to reading it all but I have started using some of the sequences shown, including the one above.

What’s so great about this yoga stuff? Well, I wasn’t too convinced at first but then again I’ve never actually tried doing yoga on a daily basis so it’s not like I had the experience to guess how I would feel. I do recall at some point about ten years ago doing 50 minutes of Pilates everyday for two weeks and feeling an amazing difference in my posture. Well, now with a week of yoga behind me I’m feeling good.

Doing yoga in the evenings has helped me get a better night’s sleep. I wake up and my back doesn’t hurt, I don’t feel so tired, and I think my breathing is improving. Breathing in yoga is hard. Breathing is supposed to be easy, it’s what we do all the time, yet it seems that many of us are breathing incorrectly which isn’t doing our health any favours.

This one I enjoy doing in the evening

Many of the poses are difficult too, even at the beginner level. The poses aren’t just working your flexibility and breathing prowess but also your strength. Trying to hold many of the poses requires strength. For example, The Upward Facing Dog Pose or the Warrior Pose may look easy on the picture but when you’re actually down your mat putting it into practice you might be surprised at how engaged your muscles get.

I can’t wait to see how I feel after doing yoga for 31 days. Check out Run to The Finish for more info on the challenge.

One thought on “Yogalicious

  1. Monika said: Kasiu bardzo ładnie zrobiłaś tę pozę na filmie 🙂 nie jest źle jak na beginers level 😉 Ja ostatnio byłam na 1’5 godz. zajęciach Pilates i też robiłyśmy niektóre pozy z Jogi np.: te “wiszące psy” – rano jak się obudziłam nic mnie nie bolało i w końcu przestały mnie boleć plecy 🙂 Chodziłam cały dzień i wszystkim w pracy zachwalałam jak cudowny jest Pilates i że powinni też zacząć ćwiczyć. Chciałabym kiedyś spróbować Jogę – może też kupię książkę i spróbuję w domu wieczorami ćwiczyć:) Postanowiłam że już co tydzień będę chodzić na ten Pilates, bo te ćwiczenia choć z pozoru łatwe bardzo wzmacniają ciało (szczególnie plecy) i fajnie rozciągają a to z kolei jest bardzo ważne jak się biega 🙂 Dzisiaj u nas pada ale mimo to pozdrawiamy was gorąco 🙂 buziaki 🙂

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