A little tingle

The pain in my leg is almost non existent. I still feel a small tingle around my soleus from time to time but nothing like it was on Sunday. Yay! Of course, that does not mean that I’m going to go running tomorrow because I am almost certain the pain would return. I’m going to give it another three days before I put on my running shoes just to be on the safe side – and when I do it will be for a very short run to avoid further problems. On Thursday I’m seeing my doctor for a check up and some blood tests so while I’m there I’m going to see what he has to say about the pain.

I hate not being able to run but luckily I’ve been able to do other types of fitness. Yesterday, I did a 30 minute abs class at the gym followed by an hour of Pilates. My tummy was burning by the end of the session and I felt taller, straighter, and a lot more relaxed. I even persuaded Jarek to check the class out and he really enjoyed it and decided that he’ll try to come at least once each week. Yay!

Today, I completed a 40 minute full body weights session at the gym. That involved lunges on a bosu with dumbells, lateral pulldown, seated row, leg press, leg curl, and pull ups. The gym has this great pull up machine that allows you to lift your entire body weight or to lift say 10% of your body weight. At the moment I suck at this and only manage to do 15 pull ups using about 30% of my body weight and 5 pull ups using 60% of my body weight. Each week I’m going to try to increase that amount so that within two months I can do at least 5 pull ups using my entire body weight (about 58.5kg though in two months I hope it will be a few kilograms less).

How do you train when an injury arises?

4 thoughts on “A little tingle

  1. I feel your pain at being sidelined from the run! I started the year with a nasty bout of plantar fasciitis and I stopped running for almost six weeks (hopefully you won’t have that problem!)

    To train with the injury, I focused on swimming and biking. I also did pool running — strapping an aqua jogging belt around my waist and “running” through the deep end of the pool. I felt a bit ridiculous, but kept my fitness up and got the hang of it after a while. Good luck!


  2. Hi Amy 🙂
    Thanks for your comment. Six weeks without a run would be tough. I had something similar last year. Luckily the pain for now has disappeared and I managed a 2km run today – yay!
    I heard about pool running, might have to give it a try to mix up the training a bit and hopefully prevent future injury 🙂

  3. Bummer about the injury. 🙁 Are you able to swim or cycle? Those are my usual alternatives to running.

  4. Yeah swimming and cycle have been put on the menu, I’m actually really enjoying spinning classes at my gym at the moment. With running I’m just going to build up my distances slowly this time to avoid further problems. It’s so frustrating though. How’s your triathlon training going?

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