Early Mornings

4:30am. My favourite part of the day in the summer months. Other than the birds chirping, the lorikeets feeding on the flowering trees, and the occasional car speeding down the highway, it’s quiet and peaceful.

It’s already light outside, the sun is rising in the horizon. Soon it will shine up high and the temperature will make it unbearable to train outside. Getting out at half past four is the best time. We’re not the only ones making the most of the early mornings. As we ride towards the beach, there’s a woman already running, sweat glows from her skin. Two cyclists in wearing red and black cycle jerseys pass us heading in the opposite direction. They’re probably taking the mountainous route – that’s just a bit too much for me on an early morning before work.

Thirty minutes later we’re at the beach. The water is almost flat with a few baby waves close to shore that a surfer is already claiming as his own. Joggers and power walkers walk the pedestrian trails, more cyclists crowd the bike lanes. That’s the benefit of living close to the beach, the motivation to train comes from others training. There’s a boot camp in process in the park, about six people and a trainer, both guys and girls getting on their boxing mits. It’s nice to see so many people making the most of early mornings.

Training in the morning before doing anything else other than brushing your teeth and going to the bathroom has many benefits. Some of these include:

  • No excuses. Try to train at lunchtime or in the afternoon and it’s easy to find reasons not to. You’ve been bombarded with twenty requests in your inbox. The boss is calling a meeting. You’re too tired after work. Your colleague has organised going away drinks for another team member. The excuses are endless. In the morning you don’t have to worry about them. You get up, train and have the rest of the day to feel proud you’e crossed training off your to do list before breakfast.
  • It’s cooler. Training in cooler temperatures is easier and better for you. There’s less chance of overheating the body. Overheating can lead to migraines – I know I get them after a tough session in the sun. Generally, in the morning the temperature is a few degrees lower than during the day so make the most of it if you’re running or cycling.
  • You’ll gain energy. Waking up an hour early to train in the morning is not going to make you tired during the day. Quite the opposite actually. Starting your day with a run, swim, cycle or any type of exercise will give you more energy throughout the day. You’ll feel lighter on your feet. You’ll be more alert and when it’s time to go to bed you’ll sleep better.
  • Breakfast will taste better. I kid you not. Food always tastes better after a good workout. I don’t know whether it’s because your hungrier or your tastebuds are awakened or because you’ve earned those calories you’re consuming. I know that I enjoy my breakfast, regardless of what’s on the menu, much more after a decent early morning training session.

During summer, I’m definitely an early morning athlete. It just makes the rest of my day so much easier.

How about you? Do you like training early mornings?

2 thoughts on “Early Mornings

  1. Kasiu, to bardzo dobry pomysl, zeby trenowac rano, bo rzeczywiscie fajnie jest rano zrobic trening i nie stresowac sie w ciagu dnia czy uda nam sie go zrobic. Ale ja nie jestem w stanie teraz wstawac tak rano i po duzym wysilku czuje spadek cisnienia i brak energii – dlatego staram sie cwiczyc wieczorem – tylko ze wieczorem czesto juz brak czasu, bo dzieci i domowe obowiazki do zrobienia a na zewnatrz znow ciemno, zimno i pada deszcz i ciezko wyjsc na trening …. Marny mam teraz czas, bo z niczym nie moge sie wyrobic 🙁 A u was tak pieknie 🙂 Zazdroszcze takiej pieknej pogody i cudownych plaz 🙂 buziaki m.

  2. W zime to trudno wstac wzczesniej, zimno, ciemno, lepiej sie w lozku grzac i trenowac pozniej.
    A jak masz spadek cisnienia i brak energji w ciagu dnia jak rano trenujesz to moze troche cukru ci brak, i trzeba w ciagu dnia jesc aby byla energia – wolne weglowodane o niskim GI, i duzo owocow i warzyw.
    Tutaj sie teraz tak goraco zrobilo ze naprawde trudno trenowac na zewnac. 4 rano byla by idealna pora ale wstawanie przed czwarta nie wchodzi w gre.

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