
*It’s autumn in Australia but summer doesn’t seem to be letting go of its grip. Fantastic, is all I can say about it. The past two weeks that I’ve been back it’s been high 20’s to low 30’s most of the time, sun shining and only about two days of raining which happened to be on the weekend that my friends and I went to an 80’s Bridesmaid Hens’ party that involved a wine tour in the mountains. Fortunately, the rain didn’t deter anyone. That’s me and two friends looking scary in 80’s outfits.

*Today’s training tired me out. It’s been a while since I’ve felt that I could say I’ve had a decent workout. Today was one of those days where I felt that I had done enough. At 6am I was at the beach for a 60 minute run which was about 11.5km. At around 5:30pm I hit the gym for an upper body workout with weights, followed by an hour of Pilates, then after getting home and eating dinner I took my darling dog for a walk. I love days like these.

11 and a half year old Kola taking a break

*I need to start taking my job search tactics a little bit more seriously. Two weeks is enough time to get myself sorted and now I’d really like to be doing something. The thing is, I have no idea what I want to do or what I should do. There are plenty of options but I’m not sure which route to take. Start a PT business, find an office job, go hard with the freelance writing which I’ve been slacking off on, or do something completely different. Over the next week or so I need to make a decision or simply take the first thing that falls in my lap and take it from there. What would you do?

*I love being back in Australia. I feel more relaxed about everything. And it’s great being close to my parents, younger brother, and old friends who’ve known me since primary school. But I also miss my family in Poland and the new friends I made there. I’ll have to make the most of Facebook and Skype to stay in touch.

4 thoughts on “Randomness

  1. Kasiu, we miss you too… But we are also happy that you have such a good time in Australia 🙂
    Referring to job possibilities, I think that you should go for a lot of job’s interviews but not to be hurry with making a decision. Now you are still in a “change period” so you may extend it a little bit and take a time to make a good decision. When you will start a new job you won’t have as much time for your own – so better enjoy it now 🙂

  2. It depends on how much of a hurry you are in to start working, I think. I hate taking the first thing that comes, but there have been a couple of times that I’ve had to. Good luck!

  3. Great that Aus is going so well for you, sounds like a really busy day! Work? Hmm, well you love to write so … Maybe try for a steady part-time job and write as well, I know Aus is a great place for writing, heaps of magazines and newspapers! Good Luck!

  4. Monika – I need to get an interview before I can go to one. But hopefully soon something will come up 🙂

    Su – I’m in a bit of a hurry when it comes to work but I don’t want to take any old thing. Unfortunately, if nothing interesting comes up I’ll have to take anything and keep looking 🙂

    Niamh – I do love to write but getting a steady writing gig or even getting freelance stuff accepted takes time. And I agree there are lots of magazines to pitch and I will do that but in the meantime I’ll need something to pay the bills and for my entry fees 🙂

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